Classes | Macros
csvwriter.hpp File Reference
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>

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class  CSVWriter
 Constructs CSVWriter using a comma for the separator. More...


#define DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER   = '"' /** The character used for escaping quotes. */
#define DEFAULT_SEPARATOR   = ',' /** The default separator to use if none is supplied to the constructor. */
#define DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER   = '"' /** The default quote character to use if none is supplied to the constructor. */
#define NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER   = '\u0000'; /** The quote constant to use when you wish to suppress all quoting. */
#define NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER   = '\u0000'; /** The escape constant to use when you wish to suppress all escaping. */
#define DEFAULT_LINE_END   = "\n"; /** Default line terminator uses platform encoding. */

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER   = '"' /** The character used for escaping quotes. */


#define DEFAULT_LINE_END   = "\n"; /** Default line terminator uses platform encoding. */


#define DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER   = '"' /** The default quote character to use if none is supplied to the constructor. */


#define DEFAULT_SEPARATOR   = ',' /** The default separator to use if none is supplied to the constructor. */


#define NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER   = '\u0000'; /** The escape constant to use when you wish to suppress all escaping. */


#define NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER   = '\u0000'; /** The quote constant to use when you wish to suppress all quoting. */