Public Slots | Signals | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Slots | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes | List of all members
CuteReport::ReportCore Class Reference

#include <reportcore.h>

Inheritance diagram for CuteReport::ReportCore:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CuteReport::ReportCore:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

void sendMetric (CuteReport::MetricType type, const QVariant &value)
void sendMetric (CuteReport::MetricType type, const QVariant &value)


void finished (bool)
void syncMessage (const QString &moduleName, const QString &message)
void rendererStarted (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void rendererDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool success)
void rendererDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool success)
void rendererMessage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, int logLevel, QString message)
void rendererProcessingPage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, int page, int total, int pass, int passTotal)
void rendererProcessedPage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, CuteReport::RenderedPageInterface *page, int pageNumber)
void printingDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool successfully)
void printingDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool successfully)
void exportDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool successfully)
void exportDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool successfully)
void reportObjectCreated (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void reportObjectDestroyed (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void metricUpdated (CuteReport::MetricType type, const QVariant &value)
void finished (bool)
void syncMessage (const QString &moduleName, const QString &message)
void rendererStarted (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void rendererDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool success)
void rendererDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool success)
void rendererMessage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, int logLevel, QString message)
void rendererProcessingPage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, int page, int total, int pass, int passTotal)
void rendererProcessedPage (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, CuteReport::RenderedPageInterface *page, int pageNumber)
void printingDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool successfully)
void printingDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool successfully)
void exportDone (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, bool successfully)
void exportDone (const QString &reportUrl, bool successfully)
void reportObjectCreated (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void reportObjectDestroyed (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void metricUpdated (CuteReport::MetricType type, const QVariant &value)

Public Member Functions

 ReportCore (QObject *parent=0, QSettings *settings=0, bool interactive=true, bool initLogSytem=true)
 ReportCore (QSettings *settings, bool interactive=true)
 ~ReportCore ()
int versionMajor () const
int versionMinor () const
QString license () const
bool interactive () const
void finish ()
void restoreState (bool cleanRestore=true)
void storeState ()
bool setDefaultStorage (const QString &objectName)
QString defaultStorageName () const
bool setDefaultPrinter (const QString objectName)
QString defaultPrinterName () const
bool setDefaultRenderer (const QString &objectName)
QString defaultRendererName () const
void setRootWidget (QWidget *widget)
QWidget * rootWidget ()
const QList< ReportPluginInterface * > modules (ModuleType moduleType) const
const ReportPluginInterfacemodule (ModuleType moduleType, const QString &moduleName) const
QStringList moduleNames (ModuleType moduleType, bool shortName=false) const
QString moduleTypeToString (ModuleType type) const
ModuleType moduleTypeFromString (const QString &type) const
QStringList moduleOptions (ReportPluginInterface *module, bool includeObjectName=true)
void setModuleOptions (ReportPluginInterface *module, const QStringList &options, bool setObjectNameIfDefined=true)
QString moduleOptionsStr (ReportPluginInterface *module, bool includeObjectName=true, const QString &delimiter=QString())
void setModuleOptionsStr (ReportPluginInterface *module, const QString &options, bool setObjectNameIfDefined=true)
QList< StorageInterface * > storageList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList storageNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
StorageInterfacestorage (const QString &objectName, ReportInterface *report=0) const
StorageInterfacestorageByUrl (const QString &urlString, ReportInterface *report=0) const
void setStorage (StorageInterface *storage)
void deleteStorage (const QString &objectName)
QList< RendererInterface * > rendererList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList rendererNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
RendererInterfacerenderer (const QString &objectName) const
RendererInterfacerenderer (ReportInterface *report, const QString &objectName=QString()) const
void setRenderer (RendererInterface *renderer)
void deleteRenderer (const QString &objectName)
QList< PrinterInterface * > printerList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList printerNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
PrinterInterfaceprinter (const QString &objectName, ReportInterface *report=0) const
void setPrinter (PrinterInterface *printer)
void deletePrinter (const QString &objectName)
PageInterfacepageByName (const QString &pageName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
BaseItemInterfaceitemByName (const QString &itemName, CuteReport::PageInterface *page=0) const
BaseItemInterfaceitemByName (const QString &itemName, const QString &pageName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
DatasetInterfacedatasetByName (const QString &datasetName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
FormInterfaceformByName (const QString &formName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
QList< ReportInterface * > reports () const
CuteReport::ReportInterfacecreateReport ()
void deleteReport (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
CuteReport::PageInterfacecreatePageObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::DatasetInterfacecreateDatasetObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::BaseItemInterfacecreateItemObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0, QObject *parent=0)
CuteReport::PrinterInterfacecreatePrinterObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::StorageInterfacecreateStorageObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::RendererInterfacecreateRendererObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::FormInterfacecreateFormObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::ExportInterfacecreateExportObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
ScriptExtensionInterfacecreateScriptExtentionObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0, QObject *parent=0)
QByteArray serialize (const QObject *object, bool *ok=0, QString *error=0, const QString &moduleName=QString())
QObject * deserialize (const QByteArray &data, bool *ok=0, QString *error=0, const QString &moduleName=QString())
bool saveReport (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
bool reportExists (const QString &urlString)
CuteReport::ReportInterfaceloadReport (const QString &urlString, QString *errorText=0)
bool saveObject (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, const QByteArray &objectData, QString *errorText=0)
QByteArray loadObject (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
QString localCachedFileName (const QString &url, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
QList< StorageObjectInfoobjectsList (const QString &url, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
QList< StorageObjectInfoobjectsList (const QString &url, ReportInterface *report, const QStringList &nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort, QString *errorText=0)
bool render (ReportInterface *report, const QString &rendererName=QString())
bool render (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &rendererName=QString())
void stopRendering (ReportInterface *report, bool silent=false)
bool isRendered (ReportInterface *report)
int rendererTotalPages (ReportInterface *report) const
RenderedPageInterfacerendererGetPage (ReportInterface *report, int number) const
void renderDataClear (ReportInterface *report)
void renderDataclearAll ()
void print (ReportInterface *report, const QString &printerName=QString())
void print (const QString url, const QString &printerName=QString())
QStringList importExtensions () const
bool canImport (const QString &reportUrl) const
QStringList importModulesForFile (const QString &reportUrl) const
ReportInterfaceimport (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &moduleName=QString()) const
void exportTo (ReportInterface *report, const QString &format, const QString &outputUrl=QString(), const QStringList &options=QStringList())
void exportTo (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &format, const QString &outputUrl=QString(), const QStringList &options=QStringList())
int maxRenderingThreads () const
void setMaxRenderingThreads (int maxRenderingThreads)
ScriptString processString (ScriptString &scriptString)
ScriptString processString (const ScriptString &scriptString)
QSet< QString > getReportParameters (ReportInterface *report, QString *error=0)
QSettings * settings ()
QString resourcesPath () const
QString imagesPath () const
QString pluginsPath () const
QString settingsPath () const
bool inheritReport (ReportInterface *report, const QString &baseReportUrl)
bool inheritReport (ReportInterface *report, const QString &baseReportFileName, const QString &baseReportPath)
bool detachReport (ReportInterface *report, bool ownInheritedItems=false)
 ReportCore (QObject *parent=0, QSettings *settings=0, bool interactive=true, bool initLogSytem=true)
 ReportCore (QSettings *settings, bool interactive=true)
 ~ReportCore ()
int versionMajor () const
int versionMinor () const
QString license () const
bool interactive () const
void finish ()
void restoreState (bool cleanRestore=true)
void storeState ()
bool setDefaultStorage (const QString &objectName)
QString defaultStorageName () const
bool setDefaultPrinter (const QString objectName)
QString defaultPrinterName () const
bool setDefaultRenderer (const QString &objectName)
QString defaultRendererName () const
void setRootWidget (QWidget *widget)
QWidget * rootWidget ()
const QList< ReportPluginInterface * > modules (ModuleType moduleType) const
const ReportPluginInterfacemodule (ModuleType moduleType, const QString &moduleName) const
QStringList moduleNames (ModuleType moduleType, bool shortName=false) const
QString moduleTypeToString (ModuleType type) const
ModuleType moduleTypeFromString (const QString &type) const
QStringList moduleOptions (ReportPluginInterface *module, bool includeObjectName=true)
void setModuleOptions (ReportPluginInterface *module, const QStringList &options, bool setObjectNameIfDefined=true)
QString moduleOptionsStr (ReportPluginInterface *module, bool includeObjectName=true, const QString &delimiter=QString())
void setModuleOptionsStr (ReportPluginInterface *module, const QString &options, bool setObjectNameIfDefined=true)
QList< StorageInterface * > storageList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList storageNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
StorageInterfacestorage (const QString &objectName, ReportInterface *report=0) const
StorageInterfacestorageByUrl (const QString &urlString, ReportInterface *report=0) const
void setStorage (StorageInterface *storage)
void deleteStorage (const QString &objectName)
QList< RendererInterface * > rendererList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList rendererNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
RendererInterfacerenderer (const QString &objectName) const
RendererInterfacerenderer (ReportInterface *report, const QString &objectName=QString()) const
void setRenderer (RendererInterface *renderer)
void deleteRenderer (const QString &objectName)
QList< PrinterInterface * > printerList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
QStringList printerNameList (ReportInterface *report=0) const
PrinterInterfaceprinter (const QString &objectName, ReportInterface *report=0) const
void setPrinter (PrinterInterface *printer)
void deletePrinter (const QString &objectName)
PageInterfacepageByName (const QString &pageName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
BaseItemInterfaceitemByName (const QString &itemName, CuteReport::PageInterface *page=0) const
BaseItemInterfaceitemByName (const QString &itemName, const QString &pageName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
DatasetInterfacedatasetByName (const QString &datasetName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
FormInterfaceformByName (const QString &formName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report) const
QList< ReportInterface * > reports () const
CuteReport::ReportInterfacecreateReport ()
void deleteReport (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
CuteReport::PageInterfacecreatePageObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::DatasetInterfacecreateDatasetObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::BaseItemInterfacecreateItemObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0, QObject *parent=0)
CuteReport::PrinterInterfacecreatePrinterObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::StorageInterfacecreateStorageObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::RendererInterfacecreateRendererObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::FormInterfacecreateFormObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
CuteReport::ExportInterfacecreateExportObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0)
ScriptExtensionInterfacecreateScriptExtentionObject (const QString &moduleName, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report=0, QObject *parent=0)
QByteArray serialize (const QObject *object, bool *ok=0, QString *error=0, const QString &moduleName=QString())
QObject * deserialize (const QByteArray &data, bool *ok=0, QString *error=0, const QString &moduleName=QString())
bool saveReport (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
bool reportExists (const QString &urlString)
CuteReport::ReportInterfaceloadReport (const QString &urlString, QString *errorText=0)
bool saveObject (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, const QByteArray &objectData, QString *errorText=0)
QByteArray loadObject (const QString &urlString, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
QString localCachedFileName (const QString &url, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
QList< StorageObjectInfoobjectsList (const QString &url, CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0)
QList< StorageObjectInfoobjectsList (const QString &url, ReportInterface *report, const QStringList &nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort, QString *errorText=0)
bool render (ReportInterface *report, const QString &rendererName=QString())
bool render (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &rendererName=QString())
void stopRendering (ReportInterface *report, bool silent=false)
bool isRendered (ReportInterface *report)
int rendererTotalPages (ReportInterface *report) const
RenderedPageInterfacerendererGetPage (ReportInterface *report, int number) const
void renderDataClear (ReportInterface *report)
void renderDataclearAll ()
void print (ReportInterface *report, const QString &printerName=QString())
void print (const QString url, const QString &printerName=QString())
QStringList importExtensions () const
bool canImport (const QString &reportUrl) const
QStringList importModulesForFile (const QString &reportUrl) const
ReportInterfaceimport (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &moduleName=QString()) const
void exportTo (ReportInterface *report, const QString &format, const QString &outputUrl=QString(), const QStringList &options=QStringList())
void exportTo (const QString &reportUrl, const QString &format, const QString &outputUrl=QString(), const QStringList &options=QStringList())
int maxRenderingThreads () const
void setMaxRenderingThreads (int maxRenderingThreads)
ScriptString processString (ScriptString &scriptString)
ScriptString processString (const ScriptString &scriptString)
QSet< QString > getReportParameters (ReportInterface *report, QString *error=0)
QSettings * settings ()
QString resourcesPath () const
QString imagesPath () const
QString pluginsPath () const
QString settingsPath () const
bool inheritReport (ReportInterface *report, const QString &baseReportUrl)
bool inheritReport (ReportInterface *report, const QString &baseReportFileName, const QString &baseReportPath)
bool detachReport (ReportInterface *report, bool ownInheritedItems=false)

Static Public Member Functions

static void log (LogLevel level, const QString &sender, const QString &message)
static void log (LogLevel level, const QString &sender, const QString &shortMessage, const QString &fullMessage)
static bool isNameUnique (QObject *object, const QString &name, QObject *rootObject)
static QString uniqueName (QObject *object, const QString &proposedName, QObject *rootObject)
static void log (LogLevel level, const QString &sender, const QString &message)
static void log (LogLevel level, const QString &sender, const QString &shortMessage, const QString &fullMessage)
static bool isNameUnique (QObject *object, const QString &name, QObject *rootObject)
static QString uniqueName (QObject *object, const QString &proposedName, QObject *rootObject)

Private Slots

void _rendererStarted ()
void _rendererDone (bool successful)
void _rendererMessage (int logLevel, QString message)
void _rendererProcessingPage (int page, int total, int pass, int passTotal)
void _reportObjectCreated (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)
void _rendererStarted ()
void _rendererDone (bool successful)
void _rendererMessage (int logLevel, QString message)
void _rendererProcessingPage (int page, int total, int pass, int passTotal)
void _reportObjectCreated (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report)

Private Member Functions

ReportPluginInterfacegetOriginalModuleByName (const QString &moduleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetExtendedModuleByName (const QString &origModuleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetModuleByName (const QString &moduleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list)
void saveObjectsOptions (const QString &prefix, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, bool clearPrefix=true)
void loadObjectsOptions (const QString &prefix, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *plugins)
bool removeObject (const QString &objectName, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects)
bool replaceObject (ReportPluginInterface *object, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > defaultObject)
QStringList objectNames (const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetObjectByName (const QString &objectName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
void createLocalObjects (QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *plugins)
ReportPluginInterfacefindDefaultObject (const QString &type, const QString &fullModuleNameList, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects)
RendererInterfacegetRendererForReport (ReportInterface *report, QString *error)
void init (QSettings *settings, bool initLogSystem)
bool checkReportPointer (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0) const
bool _render (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _renderDone (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _export (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _exportDone (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _print (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _printDone (QueueReport *queueReport)
ReportPluginInterfacegetOriginalModuleByName (const QString &moduleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetExtendedModuleByName (const QString &origModuleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetModuleByName (const QString &moduleName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list)
void saveObjectsOptions (const QString &prefix, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, bool clearPrefix=true)
void loadObjectsOptions (const QString &prefix, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *plugins)
bool removeObject (const QString &objectName, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects)
bool replaceObject (ReportPluginInterface *object, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > defaultObject)
QStringList objectNames (const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects) const
ReportPluginInterfacegetObjectByName (const QString &objectName, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list) const
void createLocalObjects (QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects, const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *plugins)
ReportPluginInterfacefindDefaultObject (const QString &type, const QString &fullModuleNameList, QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &objects)
RendererInterfacegetRendererForReport (ReportInterface *report, QString *error)
void init (QSettings *settings, bool initLogSystem)
bool checkReportPointer (CuteReport::ReportInterface *report, QString *errorText=0) const
bool _render (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _renderDone (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _export (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _exportDone (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _print (QueueReport *queueReport)
void _printDone (QueueReport *queueReport)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool loadPlugins (QSettings *settings)
static void processModuleList (QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list)
static void fixLoadedReportIssues (ReportInterface *report)
static bool loadPlugins (QSettings *settings)
static void processModuleList (QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &list)
static void fixLoadedReportIssues (ReportInterface *report)

Private Attributes

QPointer< ReportPluginInterfacem_defaultStorage
QPointer< ReportPluginInterfacem_defaultRenderer
QPointer< ReportPluginInterfacem_defaultPrinter
QPointer< ReportPluginInterfacem_defaultSerializer
QWidget * m_rootWidget
QList< ReportPluginInterface * > m_storages
QList< ReportPluginInterface * > m_renderers
QList< ReportPluginInterface * > m_printers
QList< ReportPluginInterface * > m_serializers
QList< ReportPluginInterface * > m_exporters
QSettings * m_settings
bool m_interactive
QList< QueueReport * > m_waitingQueue
QHash< RendererInterface *, QueueReport * > m_renderingQueue
int m_maxRenderingThreads

Static Private Attributes

static int m_refCount
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_itemPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_pagePlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_datasetPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_storagePlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_serializePlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_rendererPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_printerPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_formPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_importPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_exportPlugins
static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * m_scriptExtensionPlugins

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ReportCore() [1/4]

CuteReport::ReportCore::ReportCore ( QObject *  parent = 0,
QSettings *  settings = 0,
bool  interactive = true,
bool  initLogSytem = true 

◆ ReportCore() [2/4]

CuteReport::ReportCore::ReportCore ( QSettings *  settings,
bool  interactive = true 

◆ ~ReportCore() [1/2]

CuteReport::ReportCore::~ReportCore ( )

◆ ReportCore() [3/4]

CuteReport::ReportCore::ReportCore ( QObject *  parent = 0,
QSettings *  settings = 0,
bool  interactive = true,
bool  initLogSytem = true 

◆ ReportCore() [4/4]

CuteReport::ReportCore::ReportCore ( QSettings *  settings,
bool  interactive = true 

◆ ~ReportCore() [2/2]

CuteReport::ReportCore::~ReportCore ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _export() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_export ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _export() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_export ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _exportDone() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_exportDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _exportDone() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_exportDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _print() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_print ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _print() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_print ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _printDone() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_printDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _printDone() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_printDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _render() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::_render ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _render() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::_render ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _renderDone() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_renderDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _renderDone() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_renderDone ( QueueReport queueReport)

◆ _rendererDone [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererDone ( bool  successful)

◆ _rendererDone [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererDone ( bool  successful)

◆ _rendererMessage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererMessage ( int  logLevel,
QString  message 

◆ _rendererMessage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererMessage ( int  logLevel,
QString  message 

◆ _rendererProcessingPage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererProcessingPage ( int  page,
int  total,
int  pass,
int  passTotal 

◆ _rendererProcessingPage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererProcessingPage ( int  page,
int  total,
int  pass,
int  passTotal 

◆ _rendererStarted [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererStarted ( )

◆ _rendererStarted [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_rendererStarted ( )

◆ _reportObjectCreated [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_reportObjectCreated ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ _reportObjectCreated [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::_reportObjectCreated ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ canImport() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::canImport ( const QString &  reportUrl) const

◆ canImport() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::canImport ( const QString &  reportUrl) const

◆ checkReportPointer() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::checkReportPointer ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 
) const

◆ checkReportPointer() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::checkReportPointer ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 
) const

◆ createDatasetObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::DatasetInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createDatasetObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createDatasetObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::DatasetInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createDatasetObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createExportObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::ExportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createExportObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createExportObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::ExportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createExportObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createFormObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::FormInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createFormObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createFormObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::FormInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createFormObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createItemObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createItemObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0,
QObject *  parent = 0 

◆ createItemObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createItemObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0,
QObject *  parent = 0 

◆ createLocalObjects() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::createLocalObjects ( QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *  plugins 

◆ createLocalObjects() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::createLocalObjects ( QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *  plugins 

◆ createPageObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::PageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createPageObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

Below are methods to create a new object of specified module name. if moduleName is empty they will create an object of the first accessible module. It does NOT join object to report.

◆ createPageObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::PageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createPageObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

Below are methods to create a new object of specified module name. if moduleName is empty they will create an object of the first accessible module. It does NOT join object to report.

◆ createPrinterObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::PrinterInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createPrinterObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createPrinterObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::PrinterInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createPrinterObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createRendererObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createRendererObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createRendererObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createRendererObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createReport() [1/2]

CuteReport::ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createReport ( )

◆ createReport() [2/2]

CuteReport::ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createReport ( )

◆ createScriptExtentionObject() [1/2]

ScriptExtensionInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createScriptExtentionObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0,
QObject *  parent = 0 

◆ createScriptExtentionObject() [2/2]

ScriptExtensionInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createScriptExtentionObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0,
QObject *  parent = 0 

◆ createStorageObject() [1/2]

CuteReport::StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createStorageObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ createStorageObject() [2/2]

CuteReport::StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::createStorageObject ( const QString &  moduleName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report = 0 

◆ datasetByName() [1/2]

DatasetInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::datasetByName ( const QString &  datasetName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ datasetByName() [2/2]

DatasetInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::datasetByName ( const QString &  datasetName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ defaultPrinterName() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultPrinterName ( ) const

◆ defaultPrinterName() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultPrinterName ( ) const

◆ defaultRendererName() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultRendererName ( ) const

◆ defaultRendererName() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultRendererName ( ) const

◆ defaultStorageName() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultStorageName ( ) const

◆ defaultStorageName() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::defaultStorageName ( ) const

◆ deletePrinter() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deletePrinter ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deletePrinter() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deletePrinter ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deleteRenderer() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteRenderer ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deleteRenderer() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteRenderer ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deleteReport() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteReport ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ deleteReport() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteReport ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ deleteStorage() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteStorage ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deleteStorage() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::deleteStorage ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ deserialize() [1/2]

QObject* CuteReport::ReportCore::deserialize ( const QByteArray &  data,
bool *  ok = 0,
QString *  error = 0,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 

◆ deserialize() [2/2]

QObject* CuteReport::ReportCore::deserialize ( const QByteArray &  data,
bool *  ok = 0,
QString *  error = 0,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 

◆ detachReport() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::detachReport ( ReportInterface report,
bool  ownInheritedItems = false 

◆ detachReport() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::detachReport ( ReportInterface report,
bool  ownInheritedItems = false 

◆ exportDone [1/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  successfully 

◆ exportDone [2/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  successfully 

◆ exportDone [3/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  successfully 

◆ exportDone [4/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  successfully 

◆ exportTo() [1/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportTo ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  format,
const QString &  outputUrl = QString(),
const QStringList &  options = QStringList() 

Export methods options is in format parameter=value;parameter2=value2 space symbol is allowed

◆ exportTo() [2/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportTo ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  format,
const QString &  outputUrl = QString(),
const QStringList &  options = QStringList() 

Export methods options is in format parameter=value;parameter2=value2 space symbol is allowed

◆ exportTo() [3/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportTo ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  format,
const QString &  outputUrl = QString(),
const QStringList &  options = QStringList() 

◆ exportTo() [4/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::exportTo ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  format,
const QString &  outputUrl = QString(),
const QStringList &  options = QStringList() 

◆ findDefaultObject() [1/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::findDefaultObject ( const QString &  type,
const QString &  fullModuleNameList,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects 

◆ findDefaultObject() [2/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::findDefaultObject ( const QString &  type,
const QString &  fullModuleNameList,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects 

◆ finish() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::finish ( )

syncing all storages and other data with remote or local systems emits finished() signal do not operate with ReportCore while you have no finished() signal read meassage() for have information;

◆ finish() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::finish ( )

syncing all storages and other data with remote or local systems emits finished() signal do not operate with ReportCore while you have no finished() signal read meassage() for have information;

◆ finished [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::finished ( bool  )

◆ finished [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::finished ( bool  )

◆ fixLoadedReportIssues() [1/2]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::fixLoadedReportIssues ( ReportInterface report)

◆ fixLoadedReportIssues() [2/2]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::fixLoadedReportIssues ( ReportInterface report)

◆ formByName() [1/2]

FormInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::formByName ( const QString &  formName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ formByName() [2/2]

FormInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::formByName ( const QString &  formName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ getExtendedModuleByName() [1/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getExtendedModuleByName ( const QString &  origModuleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getExtendedModuleByName() [2/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getExtendedModuleByName ( const QString &  origModuleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getModuleByName() [1/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getModuleByName ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 

◆ getModuleByName() [2/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getModuleByName ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 

◆ getObjectByName() [1/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getObjectByName ( const QString &  objectName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getObjectByName() [2/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getObjectByName ( const QString &  objectName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getOriginalModuleByName() [1/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getOriginalModuleByName ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getOriginalModuleByName() [2/2]

ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getOriginalModuleByName ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list 
) const

◆ getRendererForReport() [1/2]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getRendererForReport ( ReportInterface report,
QString *  error 

◆ getRendererForReport() [2/2]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::getRendererForReport ( ReportInterface report,
QString *  error 

◆ getReportParameters() [1/2]

QSet<QString> CuteReport::ReportCore::getReportParameters ( ReportInterface report,
QString *  error = 0 

◆ getReportParameters() [2/2]

QSet<QString> CuteReport::ReportCore::getReportParameters ( ReportInterface report,
QString *  error = 0 

◆ imagesPath() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::imagesPath ( ) const

◆ imagesPath() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::imagesPath ( ) const

◆ import() [1/2]

ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::import ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 
) const

◆ import() [2/2]

ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::import ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 
) const

◆ importExtensions() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::importExtensions ( ) const

Import methods

◆ importExtensions() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::importExtensions ( ) const

Import methods

◆ importModulesForFile() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::importModulesForFile ( const QString &  reportUrl) const

◆ importModulesForFile() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::importModulesForFile ( const QString &  reportUrl) const

◆ inheritReport() [1/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::inheritReport ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  baseReportUrl 

◆ inheritReport() [2/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::inheritReport ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  baseReportUrl 

◆ inheritReport() [3/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::inheritReport ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  baseReportFileName,
const QString &  baseReportPath 

◆ inheritReport() [4/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::inheritReport ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  baseReportFileName,
const QString &  baseReportPath 

◆ init() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::init ( QSettings *  settings,
bool  initLogSystem 

◆ init() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::init ( QSettings *  settings,
bool  initLogSystem 

◆ interactive() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::interactive ( ) const

determine if report objects can be changed or no If it is set to true usually it means plugins will show theirs dialogs internal reports signal will be connected to look for any property changes, etc. This property is set to true by default You can set it to false to slighly resource economy if you do report processing in background without any report template changing in runtime and without any user action

◆ interactive() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::interactive ( ) const

determine if report objects can be changed or no If it is set to true usually it means plugins will show theirs dialogs internal reports signal will be connected to look for any property changes, etc. This property is set to true by default You can set it to false to slighly resource economy if you do report processing in background without any report template changing in runtime and without any user action

◆ isNameUnique() [1/2]

static bool CuteReport::ReportCore::isNameUnique ( QObject *  object,
const QString &  name,
QObject *  rootObject 

◆ isNameUnique() [2/2]

static bool CuteReport::ReportCore::isNameUnique ( QObject *  object,
const QString &  name,
QObject *  rootObject 

◆ isRendered() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::isRendered ( ReportInterface report)

◆ isRendered() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::isRendered ( ReportInterface report)

◆ itemByName() [1/4]

BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::itemByName ( const QString &  itemName,
CuteReport::PageInterface page = 0 
) const

◆ itemByName() [2/4]

BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::itemByName ( const QString &  itemName,
CuteReport::PageInterface page = 0 
) const

◆ itemByName() [3/4]

BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::itemByName ( const QString &  itemName,
const QString &  pageName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ itemByName() [4/4]

BaseItemInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::itemByName ( const QString &  itemName,
const QString &  pageName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ license() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::license ( ) const

◆ license() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::license ( ) const

◆ loadObject() [1/2]

QByteArray CuteReport::ReportCore::loadObject ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ loadObject() [2/2]

QByteArray CuteReport::ReportCore::loadObject ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ loadObjectsOptions() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::loadObjectsOptions ( const QString &  prefix,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *  plugins 

◆ loadObjectsOptions() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::loadObjectsOptions ( const QString &  prefix,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> *  plugins 

◆ loadPlugins() [1/2]

static bool CuteReport::ReportCore::loadPlugins ( QSettings *  settings)

◆ loadPlugins() [2/2]

static bool CuteReport::ReportCore::loadPlugins ( QSettings *  settings)

◆ loadReport() [1/2]

CuteReport::ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::loadReport ( const QString &  urlString,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ loadReport() [2/2]

CuteReport::ReportInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::loadReport ( const QString &  urlString,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ localCachedFileName() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::localCachedFileName ( const QString &  url,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 

◆ localCachedFileName() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::localCachedFileName ( const QString &  url,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 

◆ log() [1/4]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::log ( LogLevel  level,
const QString &  sender,
const QString &  message 

◆ log() [2/4]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::log ( LogLevel  level,
const QString &  sender,
const QString &  message 

◆ log() [3/4]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::log ( LogLevel  level,
const QString &  sender,
const QString &  shortMessage,
const QString &  fullMessage 

◆ log() [4/4]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::log ( LogLevel  level,
const QString &  sender,
const QString &  shortMessage,
const QString &  fullMessage 

◆ maxRenderingThreads() [1/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::maxRenderingThreads ( ) const

◆ maxRenderingThreads() [2/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::maxRenderingThreads ( ) const

◆ metricUpdated [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::metricUpdated ( CuteReport::MetricType  type,
const QVariant &  value 

◆ metricUpdated [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::metricUpdated ( CuteReport::MetricType  type,
const QVariant &  value 

◆ module() [1/2]

const ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::module ( ModuleType  moduleType,
const QString &  moduleName 
) const

returns module by module name. If name is not specified, first appropriate module is returned

◆ module() [2/2]

const ReportPluginInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::module ( ModuleType  moduleType,
const QString &  moduleName 
) const

returns module by module name. If name is not specified, first appropriate module is returned

◆ moduleNames() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleNames ( ModuleType  moduleType,
bool  shortName = false 
) const

returns a list of module names for appropriate module type

◆ moduleNames() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleNames ( ModuleType  moduleType,
bool  shortName = false 
) const

returns a list of module names for appropriate module type

◆ moduleOptions() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleOptions ( ReportPluginInterface module,
bool  includeObjectName = true 

moduleOptions returns module object's property list. Each string is in format propertyName=propertyValue The list can include object name if "includeObjectName" set to true setModuleOptions restores module object properties from string list moduleOptionsStr and setModuleOptionsStr do the same work but using string instead of string list where eacg row is joined using defined delimiter.Delimiter can not be defined space. Delimiter contains 1 character and it is saved on the first position of the result string. By default delimiter is "," (comma)

◆ moduleOptions() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleOptions ( ReportPluginInterface module,
bool  includeObjectName = true 

moduleOptions returns module object's property list. Each string is in format propertyName=propertyValue The list can include object name if "includeObjectName" set to true setModuleOptions restores module object properties from string list moduleOptionsStr and setModuleOptionsStr do the same work but using string instead of string list where eacg row is joined using defined delimiter.Delimiter can not be defined space. Delimiter contains 1 character and it is saved on the first position of the result string. By default delimiter is "," (comma)

◆ moduleOptionsStr() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleOptionsStr ( ReportPluginInterface module,
bool  includeObjectName = true,
const QString &  delimiter = QString() 

◆ moduleOptionsStr() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleOptionsStr ( ReportPluginInterface module,
bool  includeObjectName = true,
const QString &  delimiter = QString() 

◆ modules() [1/2]

const QList<ReportPluginInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::modules ( ModuleType  moduleType) const

These methods return a list of appropriate plugins. These methods are not designed to change any default plugins and used only to get service information like plugin name, version, etc. It is primary used in designing tools

◆ modules() [2/2]

const QList<ReportPluginInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::modules ( ModuleType  moduleType) const

These methods return a list of appropriate plugins. These methods are not designed to change any default plugins and used only to get service information like plugin name, version, etc. It is primary used in designing tools

◆ moduleTypeFromString() [1/2]

ModuleType CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleTypeFromString ( const QString &  type) const

◆ moduleTypeFromString() [2/2]

ModuleType CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleTypeFromString ( const QString &  type) const

◆ moduleTypeToString() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleTypeToString ( ModuleType  type) const

converts module type to/from string

◆ moduleTypeToString() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::moduleTypeToString ( ModuleType  type) const

converts module type to/from string

◆ objectNames() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::objectNames ( const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects) const

◆ objectNames() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::objectNames ( const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects) const

◆ objectsList() [1/4]

QList<StorageObjectInfo> CuteReport::ReportCore::objectsList ( const QString &  url,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ objectsList() [2/4]

QList<StorageObjectInfo> CuteReport::ReportCore::objectsList ( const QString &  url,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ objectsList() [3/4]

QList<StorageObjectInfo> CuteReport::ReportCore::objectsList ( const QString &  url,
ReportInterface report,
const QStringList &  nameFilters,
QDir::Filters  filters,
QDir::SortFlags  sort,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ objectsList() [4/4]

QList<StorageObjectInfo> CuteReport::ReportCore::objectsList ( const QString &  url,
ReportInterface report,
const QStringList &  nameFilters,
QDir::Filters  filters,
QDir::SortFlags  sort,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ pageByName() [1/2]

PageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::pageByName ( const QString &  pageName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ pageByName() [2/2]

PageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::pageByName ( const QString &  pageName,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report 
) const

◆ pluginsPath() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::pluginsPath ( ) const

◆ pluginsPath() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::pluginsPath ( ) const

◆ print() [1/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::print ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  printerName = QString() 

Printer methods

◆ print() [2/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::print ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  printerName = QString() 

Printer methods

◆ print() [3/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::print ( const QString  url,
const QString &  printerName = QString() 

◆ print() [4/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::print ( const QString  url,
const QString &  printerName = QString() 

◆ printer() [1/2]

PrinterInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::printer ( const QString &  objectName,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ printer() [2/2]

PrinterInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::printer ( const QString &  objectName,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ printerList() [1/2]

QList<PrinterInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::printerList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ printerList() [2/2]

QList<PrinterInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::printerList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ printerNameList() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::printerNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ printerNameList() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::printerNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ printingDone [1/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::printingDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  successfully 

◆ printingDone [2/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::printingDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  successfully 

◆ printingDone [3/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::printingDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  successfully 

◆ printingDone [4/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::printingDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  successfully 

◆ processModuleList() [1/2]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::processModuleList ( QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list)

◆ processModuleList() [2/2]

static void CuteReport::ReportCore::processModuleList ( QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  list)

◆ processString() [1/4]

ScriptString CuteReport::ReportCore::processString ( ScriptString scriptString)

◆ processString() [2/4]

ScriptString CuteReport::ReportCore::processString ( ScriptString scriptString)

◆ processString() [3/4]

ScriptString CuteReport::ReportCore::processString ( const ScriptString scriptString)

◆ processString() [4/4]

ScriptString CuteReport::ReportCore::processString ( const ScriptString scriptString)

◆ removeObject() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::removeObject ( const QString &  objectName,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects 

◆ removeObject() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::removeObject ( const QString &  objectName,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects 

◆ render() [1/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::render ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  rendererName = QString() 

Renderer methods

◆ render() [2/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::render ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  rendererName = QString() 

Renderer methods

◆ render() [3/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::render ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  rendererName = QString() 

◆ render() [4/4]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::render ( const QString &  reportUrl,
const QString &  rendererName = QString() 

◆ renderDataClear() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::renderDataClear ( ReportInterface report)

◆ renderDataClear() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::renderDataClear ( ReportInterface report)

◆ renderDataclearAll() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::renderDataclearAll ( )

◆ renderDataclearAll() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::renderDataclearAll ( )

◆ renderer() [1/4]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::renderer ( const QString &  objectName) const

◆ renderer() [2/4]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::renderer ( const QString &  objectName) const

◆ renderer() [3/4]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::renderer ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  objectName = QString() 
) const

◆ renderer() [4/4]

RendererInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::renderer ( ReportInterface report,
const QString &  objectName = QString() 
) const

◆ rendererDone [1/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  success 

◆ rendererDone [2/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererDone ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
bool  success 

◆ rendererDone [3/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  success 

◆ rendererDone [4/4]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererDone ( const QString &  reportUrl,
bool  success 

◆ rendererGetPage() [1/2]

RenderedPageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererGetPage ( ReportInterface report,
int  number 
) const

◆ rendererGetPage() [2/2]

RenderedPageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererGetPage ( ReportInterface report,
int  number 
) const

◆ rendererList() [1/2]

QList<RendererInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ rendererList() [2/2]

QList<RendererInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ rendererMessage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererMessage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
int  logLevel,
QString  message 

◆ rendererMessage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererMessage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
int  logLevel,
QString  message 

◆ rendererNameList() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ rendererNameList() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ rendererProcessedPage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererProcessedPage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
CuteReport::RenderedPageInterface page,
int  pageNumber 

◆ rendererProcessedPage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererProcessedPage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
CuteReport::RenderedPageInterface page,
int  pageNumber 

◆ rendererProcessingPage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererProcessingPage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
int  page,
int  total,
int  pass,
int  passTotal 

◆ rendererProcessingPage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererProcessingPage ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
int  page,
int  total,
int  pass,
int  passTotal 

◆ rendererStarted [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererStarted ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ rendererStarted [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererStarted ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ rendererTotalPages() [1/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererTotalPages ( ReportInterface report) const

◆ rendererTotalPages() [2/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::rendererTotalPages ( ReportInterface report) const

◆ replaceObject() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::replaceObject ( ReportPluginInterface object,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
QPointer< ReportPluginInterface defaultObject 

◆ replaceObject() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::replaceObject ( ReportPluginInterface object,
QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
QPointer< ReportPluginInterface defaultObject 

◆ reportExists() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::reportExists ( const QString &  urlString)

◆ reportExists() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::reportExists ( const QString &  urlString)

◆ reportObjectCreated [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::reportObjectCreated ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ reportObjectCreated [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::reportObjectCreated ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ reportObjectDestroyed [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::reportObjectDestroyed ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ reportObjectDestroyed [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::reportObjectDestroyed ( CuteReport::ReportInterface report)

◆ reports() [1/2]

QList<ReportInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::reports ( ) const

◆ reports() [2/2]

QList<ReportInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::reports ( ) const

◆ resourcesPath() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::resourcesPath ( ) const

always returns path without ending slash

◆ resourcesPath() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::resourcesPath ( ) const

always returns path without ending slash

◆ restoreState() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::restoreState ( bool  cleanRestore = true)

restoreState method reads settings and restores all configured objects. If removeCurrentState is "true" then all current objects will be removed and only objects defined in Settings will be added. Otherwize all objects defined in the setting will be updated and objects not defined will be left as is. This method is called automatically if "AutoRestore" setting value is "true". When "AutoRestore" is defined it read value of "CleanRestore" that define value of "cleanRestore" parameter. "CleanRestore" is true by default. storeState method saves setting of all objects and default names. This method is called automatically if "AutoStore" setting value is "true". Default for "AutoStore" if not defined is "false" Default for "AutoRestore" if not definded is "true".

◆ restoreState() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::restoreState ( bool  cleanRestore = true)

restoreState method reads settings and restores all configured objects. If removeCurrentState is "true" then all current objects will be removed and only objects defined in Settings will be added. Otherwize all objects defined in the setting will be updated and objects not defined will be left as is. This method is called automatically if "AutoRestore" setting value is "true". When "AutoRestore" is defined it read value of "CleanRestore" that define value of "cleanRestore" parameter. "CleanRestore" is true by default. storeState method saves setting of all objects and default names. This method is called automatically if "AutoStore" setting value is "true". Default for "AutoStore" if not defined is "false" Default for "AutoRestore" if not definded is "true".

◆ rootWidget() [1/2]

QWidget* CuteReport::ReportCore::rootWidget ( )

◆ rootWidget() [2/2]

QWidget* CuteReport::ReportCore::rootWidget ( )

◆ saveObject() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::saveObject ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
const QByteArray &  objectData,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ saveObject() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::saveObject ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
const QByteArray &  objectData,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ saveObjectsOptions() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::saveObjectsOptions ( const QString &  prefix,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
bool  clearPrefix = true 

◆ saveObjectsOptions() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::saveObjectsOptions ( const QString &  prefix,
const QList< ReportPluginInterface *> &  objects,
bool  clearPrefix = true 

◆ saveReport() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::saveReport ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ saveReport() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::saveReport ( const QString &  urlString,
CuteReport::ReportInterface report,
QString *  errorText = 0 

◆ sendMetric [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::sendMetric ( CuteReport::MetricType  type,
const QVariant &  value 

◆ sendMetric [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::sendMetric ( CuteReport::MetricType  type,
const QVariant &  value 

◆ serialize() [1/2]

QByteArray CuteReport::ReportCore::serialize ( const QObject *  object,
bool *  ok = 0,
QString *  error = 0,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 

◆ serialize() [2/2]

QByteArray CuteReport::ReportCore::serialize ( const QObject *  object,
bool *  ok = 0,
QString *  error = 0,
const QString &  moduleName = QString() 

◆ setDefaultPrinter() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultPrinter ( const QString  objectName)

◆ setDefaultPrinter() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultPrinter ( const QString  objectName)

◆ setDefaultRenderer() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultRenderer ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ setDefaultRenderer() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultRenderer ( const QString &  objectName)

◆ setDefaultStorage() [1/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultStorage ( const QString &  objectName)

Method set the name of default storage for storage requests where url scheme is not present. storageName should be one of the Core's storages Returns QString::null if storage is not defined

◆ setDefaultStorage() [2/2]

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::setDefaultStorage ( const QString &  objectName)

Method set the name of default storage for storage requests where url scheme is not present. storageName should be one of the Core's storages Returns QString::null if storage is not defined

◆ setMaxRenderingThreads() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setMaxRenderingThreads ( int  maxRenderingThreads)

◆ setMaxRenderingThreads() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setMaxRenderingThreads ( int  maxRenderingThreads)

◆ setModuleOptions() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setModuleOptions ( ReportPluginInterface module,
const QStringList &  options,
bool  setObjectNameIfDefined = true 

◆ setModuleOptions() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setModuleOptions ( ReportPluginInterface module,
const QStringList &  options,
bool  setObjectNameIfDefined = true 

◆ setModuleOptionsStr() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setModuleOptionsStr ( ReportPluginInterface module,
const QString &  options,
bool  setObjectNameIfDefined = true 

◆ setModuleOptionsStr() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setModuleOptionsStr ( ReportPluginInterface module,
const QString &  options,
bool  setObjectNameIfDefined = true 

◆ setPrinter() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setPrinter ( PrinterInterface printer)

◆ setPrinter() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setPrinter ( PrinterInterface printer)

◆ setRenderer() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setRenderer ( RendererInterface renderer)

◆ setRenderer() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setRenderer ( RendererInterface renderer)

◆ setRootWidget() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setRootWidget ( QWidget *  widget)

Root widget where all dialogs will be centered on usually it's a main window

◆ setRootWidget() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setRootWidget ( QWidget *  widget)

Root widget where all dialogs will be centered on usually it's a main window

◆ setStorage() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setStorage ( StorageInterface storage)

◆ setStorage() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::setStorage ( StorageInterface storage)

◆ settings() [1/2]

QSettings* CuteReport::ReportCore::settings ( )

◆ settings() [2/2]

QSettings* CuteReport::ReportCore::settings ( )

◆ settingsPath() [1/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::settingsPath ( ) const

◆ settingsPath() [2/2]

QString CuteReport::ReportCore::settingsPath ( ) const

◆ stopRendering() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::stopRendering ( ReportInterface report,
bool  silent = false 

◆ stopRendering() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::stopRendering ( ReportInterface report,
bool  silent = false 

◆ storage() [1/2]

StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::storage ( const QString &  objectName,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ storage() [2/2]

StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::storage ( const QString &  objectName,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ storageByUrl() [1/2]

StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::storageByUrl ( const QString &  urlString,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ storageByUrl() [2/2]

StorageInterface* CuteReport::ReportCore::storageByUrl ( const QString &  urlString,
ReportInterface report = 0 
) const

◆ storageList() [1/2]

QList<StorageInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::storageList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

setStorage will replace current one with the same objectName if exists

◆ storageList() [2/2]

QList<StorageInterface *> CuteReport::ReportCore::storageList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

setStorage will replace current one with the same objectName if exists

◆ storageNameList() [1/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::storageNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ storageNameList() [2/2]

QStringList CuteReport::ReportCore::storageNameList ( ReportInterface report = 0) const

◆ storeState() [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::storeState ( )

◆ storeState() [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::storeState ( )

◆ syncMessage [1/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::syncMessage ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QString &  message 

◆ syncMessage [2/2]

void CuteReport::ReportCore::syncMessage ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QString &  message 

◆ uniqueName() [1/2]

static QString CuteReport::ReportCore::uniqueName ( QObject *  object,
const QString &  proposedName,
QObject *  rootObject 

◆ uniqueName() [2/2]

static QString CuteReport::ReportCore::uniqueName ( QObject *  object,
const QString &  proposedName,
QObject *  rootObject 

◆ versionMajor() [1/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::versionMajor ( ) const

◆ versionMajor() [2/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::versionMajor ( ) const

◆ versionMinor() [1/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::versionMinor ( ) const

◆ versionMinor() [2/2]

int CuteReport::ReportCore::versionMinor ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_datasetPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_datasetPlugins

◆ m_defaultPrinter

QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_defaultPrinter

◆ m_defaultRenderer

QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_defaultRenderer

◆ m_defaultSerializer

QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_defaultSerializer

◆ m_defaultStorage

QPointer< ReportPluginInterface > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_defaultStorage

◆ m_exporters

QList< ReportPluginInterface * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_exporters

◆ m_exportPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_exportPlugins

◆ m_formPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_formPlugins

◆ m_importPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_importPlugins

◆ m_interactive

bool CuteReport::ReportCore::m_interactive

◆ m_itemPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_itemPlugins

◆ m_maxRenderingThreads

int CuteReport::ReportCore::m_maxRenderingThreads

◆ m_pagePlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_pagePlugins

◆ m_printerPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_printerPlugins

◆ m_printers

QList< ReportPluginInterface * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_printers

◆ m_refCount

static int CuteReport::ReportCore::m_refCount

◆ m_rendererPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_rendererPlugins

◆ m_renderers

QList< ReportPluginInterface * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_renderers

◆ m_renderingQueue

QHash< RendererInterface *, QueueReport * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_renderingQueue

◆ m_rootWidget

QWidget * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_rootWidget

◆ m_scriptExtensionPlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_scriptExtensionPlugins

◆ m_serializePlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_serializePlugins

◆ m_serializers

QList< ReportPluginInterface * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_serializers

◆ m_settings

QSettings * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_settings

◆ m_storagePlugins

static QList< ReportPluginInterface * > * CuteReport::ReportCore::m_storagePlugins

◆ m_storages

QList< ReportPluginInterface * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_storages

◆ m_waitingQueue

QList< QueueReport * > CuteReport::ReportCore::m_waitingQueue

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: